sexta-feira, 20 de maio de 2011

The environnemental Policy of Barack Obama: Energy, energy, and energy!

In 1997, the United States, first polluter country, didn’t sign the protocol of Kyoto for the reduction of greenhouse gas. But since, Barack Obama was elected as President. One of his priorities was to develop a proactive policy of protection of environment. What has already been done since his election? What does he plan to do? And which problems exist at the moment?

In his campaign, Obama proposed, in reaction to the climate warming, to increase the price of electricity, to invest in the biofuel and the alternative sources of energy. He wanted to found a market of CO2 where the most pollutant firms should buy a “right to pollute” to the less pollutant firms. To resolve the climate problems, the most useful solution at the moment was still for him the nuclear energy.

In May 2009, a few months after his investiture, he announced new norms for the vehicles. From 2012, their consumption of fuel and their emissions of gas have to be decreased. Washington wants to affect a decrease of 30% of the emissions of gas in the country and to save two billion barrels of petrol. Obama wanted to reduce the importations of energy of the United States as well. He proposed in his economic plan against the economic crisis, to promote to usage and the scientific research in solar and geothermical energy. In October 2010, the government authorised the building the largest solar installation ever. It will be installed in California, on an area of 2 842 hectares and will produce 1000 megawatts, and will cover the need of 300 000 families.

But, if the American administration makes a lot of progress for his energy situation, it abandoned the others environmental problems. The objective of Obama’s economical plan to spare 1000 Billion of dollars within ten years indeed already negatively influenced the Environment Protection Agency (EPA). For example, the budget of the program of restoration of the aquatic environment and of drinkable water will be declined of 27%. The program of reconquering of the big lakes might be delayed too. And the research program of the Agency of a clean diesel will be dropped anyway.

In conclusion, despite his good intentions and his promising start, the decision to make the economies in the field of environmental protection additionally to the loss of majority in the Senate to pass its environmental reforms left Barack Obama in a week position. He now has two years to fulfil.

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